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Plan, manage and track your contract bidding activity all in one place.

Our new AI helps your team with their day-to-day bid tasks

Create a memory layer to dive deep into your data.
Draft new responses faster with Generative AI custom trained on your company’s approved content library assets and knowledge assets.

Analyse and review documents to understand key criteria and support bid/no bid decisions. Create outlines, summaries, and derive new insights.

Companies complete bids 30-50% faster with Bidhive.

Watch the video below to learn how Bidhive can streamline your bid process.

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Bring your people, workflow and processes together. 

All the elements you need to establish a unified, successful bidding organisation – from tender search through to contract award.


Get complete oversight of your opportunity pipeline to prepare, prioritise and manage resources.


Improve bid outcomes with an unmatched level of coordination, control, consistency and compliance


Get a full overview of bid status at any phase or stage to proactively manage risks

Want to see Bidhive in action? Book a demo now!

Connect to the systems you already use. Bidhive plays very well with others.

Bidhive now talks to over 60 different platforms so you can share data no matter where you need it. Our expert team of integration specialists can assist with getting everything set up and working properly using our custom API.


Enter your email to watch our full length demo video.


Develop a collaborative plan to win even before the RFx documentation is issued.


Manage bid schedules, coordinate participants and individual tasks.


Begin to capture, achieve and sustain benchmark level results using strategic and tactical insights.

Want to know more?    Book a 1:1 demo!

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